Waldemar Kobus

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Waldemar Kobus, born in 1966 in Poland, grew up in Düren. He trained to be an actor from 1988 to 1991 at the Otto Falckenberg Schule in Munich. This was followed by a number of theatre engagements in Frankfurt am Main, Bochum, Stuttgart, Zurich, Vienna and Cologne. Waldemar Kobus is known to a wide television audience primarily as a result of his role as the permanently hungry policeman Viktor Schimanek which he played from 2004 until 2007 in the RTL comedy series ‘Alles Atze’ (various directors). The versatile actor has played major roles in German and international cinema productions. He attracted considerable attention through his portrayal of the SS officer Günther Franken in Paul Verhoeven’s ‘Black Book’ in 2007 and his role as head of police in Bryan Singer’s resistance drama ‘Operation Walküre – Das Stauffenberg-Attentat’ alongside Tom Cruise. That same year Waldemar Kobus also appeared in the film ‘Miracle at St. Anna’, directed by Spike Lee. Waldemar Kobus has worked three times with the director Michael Bully Herbig. In (T)RAUMSCHIFF SURPRISE – Periode 1 (2004) he played the mean knight; in the animation film ‘Lissi und der wilde Kaiser’ (2007) the actor lent his distinctive voice to the Yeti and, for ‘Wickie und die starken Männer’ (2009), Waldemar Kobus slipped into the role of the Viking chief for the first time in ‘Halvar von Flake’. Other cinema films with Waldemar Kobus include Oskar Roehler’s ‘Jud Süss’ (2010) and the film comedy ‘Ein Tick anders’, directed by Andi Rogenhagen (2011). That same year he once again played the role of the Viking chief in ‘Wickie auf großer Fahrt’. The cinema production ‘Das Haus der Krokodile’ and the new WDR series ‘Die Lottokönige’ followed in 2012. In 2014 and 2015 the actor could be seen as Sven Lund in three episodes of the television series ‘Nord Nord Mord’, directed by Anno Saul. In 2015 Waldemar Kobus worked on the cinema production ‘The Zookeepers Wife’ by Niki Caro and, in 2016, on the film ‘Collide’ with Anthony Hopkins. Afterwards you could see him as Hansen in the cinema movie ‘Der Hauptmann’ by Robert Schwentke. In 2017, the internationally acclaimed series “Babylon Berlin”, in which Waldemar attracts attention as a Cologne pharmacist appeared. In strong contrast to this role, in 2018 he played the ruthless felon Korsch in the Amazon Prime series “BEAT”. Since December 2018 you can see him live at the Volksbühne Berlin, where he surprised in Leander Haußmann’s “Staatssicherheitstheater” as Erich Mielke.

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS


  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS


  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS


  • Christian HartmannWALDEMAR KOBUS

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