Antonia Moretti


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California Dreamin performed by Antonia Moretti (2023): Download mp4
Im Netz der Camorra (2021) & Der Gejagte (2022): Download mp4


Gesang des Abgeschiedenen (2024): Download mp3
Die blaue Nacht (2024): Download mp3
Die Verfluchten (2024): Download mp3


Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti
Antonia Moretti

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Agentur Lambsdorff
Frei-Otto-Straße 10
80797 Munich, Germany

Tel.: +49 89-30 79 86 00
Fax: +49 89-30 79 86 02


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Request for Antonia Moretti

Contact the agency

Agentur Lambsdorff
Andrea Lambsdorff
Catherina Koss
Frei-Otto-Straße 10
80797 Munich

Phone.: +49 89-30 79 86 00
Fax: +49 89-30 79 86 02


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